I'm beyond excited for tomorrow's photo shoot in T.O...This is step one in a whole domino-line of plans that collectively spring Antoinette Design into action. I am actually pinching myself that this is *actually* happening, rather than being a whole bunch of 'what-ifs' that I dwell too intensely upon. I love that there is some immediate action...that I can get started, that things are falling into place! Really! My gorgeous-in-every-sense-of-the-word friend Diana, a photographer extraordinaire, has offered to set me up with some shots of my stuff to get me started. Holy hell, I. am. so. excited! Apart from getting to spend the day with her, which will be hilarious, I've got a dozen or so of my recent pieces all spiffed up and ready to shine. This is going to be a HUGE learning experience for me, as I've little-to-no experience lighting my work so that the shots come out cleanly, with crisp detail and no crappy shadows, or glaring white hot spots. My brain's a moist sponge...all ready to soak up the tricks of the trade! (Of course, I spent 7+ hours in car today, driving the windy boredom that is the 401, so my brain *really* is like a moist sponge...rattling around my cranium...)
So, it's off to bed I go, with one more sleep til the shoot! I really don't think that I've been quite this excited about anything in some time, so I'm really savoring it. I'm so thankful for Diana's generosity and friendship and genius and humor and and and...