Welcome to my blog. I can't promise much more than a rambling discussion about life, creative process, health, food and kitties.
I tend to swear a lot.
I'm stoked you’re here; after reading a bit, I hope you still will be as well!
19 months have passed. Let’s move on, shall we…?
After a few years of trotting out my social media efforts out as a website presence, I’ve decided to rethink, revamp and relaunch my blog. 2016 was quite the year for me, so much so that I think I might need to write about it, and I’m just delusional enough to think that as my jewelry and design and life-as-a-human work evolves, people might want to learn a bit about my process and the life that insulates it.
The steps seemed pretty simple: heat the metal until dangerously red, smash the metal with a hammer. Repeat.
Due to a lack of wireless connectivity at the show earlier today, I decided to 'tweet' my first holiday show experience of 2009 into my notepad app on my iPod.