You know what the best part of not posting/paying attention to your website for 14 1/2 months is? It's facing the backlog of hilariously whack-job, robot-created spam comments like this:
"Howdy are choosing WordPress to your web site system? Iam new at all to the blog world but. Iam looking to get started out and hang up my personal. Also i discovered Drupal is fine. Sees my own selection…. Helpful publish, thank you."
Dude, srsly, I CANNOT tell you how badly Iam looking to get started out and hang up my personal as well. Dammit. High fives all around. My abandoned comments panel was the best laugh I've had in a while. Thanks robots!
So, to reiterate. I have spent the past year hanging up my personal. I have been terrified, actually terrified of posting. What the fuck is there for me to say? <THERE'S TOO MUCH TO SAY.> I spent a year feeling challenged and CHALLENGED and terrified and bitter and happy and sad and sore. So, like a year, right? We all have that shit. Why pretend my take on it all is going to be any different? Does anyone care? Is it even helpful for me to post anything remotely personal? What's the impact for you? For me? For the planet...the fiscal cliff...for Bieber...for BLAHBLAHMOTHERFUCKINGBLAH.
There is no point. You want to know who I am and how/why I make things, I'm assuming. I guess that's pretty simple. I guess that's why I'm now back, with a slightly clearer head about the whole blog thing. I actually aimed to start another blog this year, over at, thinking "oh yeah, I'll just post all my messy emotional, Erika-on-a-soapbox, ranting shit over there, and keep all pristine and process-oriented. Yeah, that'll be the ticket!" I really thought that was the decision that would change how I felt about blogging.
Nope, no ticky, no posty. Dude, like, I totally thought have two blogs would be, like, easier, or something. So, clever me, not only did I set myself up to fail at posting at ONE blog, I now get to rock at failing at TWO blogs! AWESOME! I am the queen of multi-failing!!! ALL HAIL MULTI-FAIL!
WTF was I thinking!? I was doing it again! I mean, setting oneself up for failure is the self-made, emotional equivalent to a delicate domino-balancing-project, and something that I pretty well rock at... so many little steps, such a gorgeously built-up execution, big fucking mess afterwards. I'm glad I tricked to my pattern only a few dominoes in this time. So, I'm here. Posting stupid brainbarf here. 'Cause this is part of where Antoinette Design lives, and it now finally (finally. FINALLY.) occurs to me that if you're here, reading my blog, you probably want to know about me. So here I am.
(...still haven't figured out what I'm gonna do with