Me and Mike. Now you know our faces.


Welcome to my blog. I can't promise much more than a rambling discussion about life, creative process, health, food and kitties.
I tend to swear a lot.
I'm stoked you’re here; after reading a bit, I hope you still will be as well! 

It gets clearer (the muddier it gets)

So, it's October. I last posted in Feb-broohaha. Let's just leave it at that.A summer happened, some stuff went down, we're all still alive, there's a half-finished bottle of red on the kitchen counter, a studio upstairs with supplies in it, an amazing husband working off to my right, right now, and coffee money in my wallet (I think.) So things are... pretty good, I think. Considering that Thanksgiving was yesterday, I'm still feeling thankful for the little things that have kept it all's always the little things. I'm not going to lie - I basically have nothing else to say of any value other than 'I'm still here.' Yup, that's what I'm breaking my 7 month silence to announce. So much change is afoot, which is pretty common for this season, and I feel like inhaling it, eating it, bathing in it, screaming at it, wearing it, punching it and shouting it. Very little about change is actually comfortable or really even appealing when it's going down, but it's like that cold, autumn breeze - it's cold, and it speaks of goddamn colder, but still, it feels good to inhale. Can you tell I'm spending a lot of time inside my head? To say I've been doing some soul-searching is an understatement. All my shit is SO right up in front of me, most of it concerning my beloved Antoinette Design, and some not-so-beloved beliefs that are choking me. I'm not gonna get into writing about it...I don't want to be here all night writing and crying and drinking, but if you were here with me right now I'd be able to express all of this in-my-face shit with bell-like clarity through a stunning choreography of dance moves, gibberish and jazz-hands. I'll let you know when tickets are on sale... You know, dear readers, that I will elaborate on all this in-my-face-shit *eventually*, but until then, here are some pretty places that I've visited this summer, thankfully outside of my head...

Tobermory - May 2011

14 and a half months later...

January: check.